Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bulldog Triathlon

I wasn't aware of how quiet the campus is on Sunday mornings (at least that is around 7:30 am - I can't bark to midnight and later). Not today anyway, I had a triathlon to attend. It turns out age (and order/family/genus) restrictions prevented me from entering this year, but maybe they'll make an exception next year. Then again, do they allow floaties for the swimming portion?

The Bulldog Triathlon began with a 5k run, transitioned to an 11 mile bike ride, and ended with a 150 yard swim. One might expect an inaugural event to have some glitches, but not one named for a Bulldog! Everything I oversaw was smoothly run. I heard from a professor that the course volunteers were awesome. It's just too bad it had to happen so early for the majority of the student body...

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