Saturday, January 31, 2009

Softball and Women's Tennis

Apres swim, Talulah and I wandered over to the softball field to catch part of the Alumni game. We got in another team photo, but that was cut a bit short by my daughter as she bolted away from the reins of the catcher. Glad she was wearing protective clothing! We left before the game was over, but the best part was that Redlands was bound to win! You can tell there were a few exciting moments for us on the walk to Tennis. Let's just say my handler is sleeping well tonight.... Speaking of sleeping, Talulah and I found the concrete below the stands to be very inviting. Too inviting. Our tennis squad looked sharp in their new uniforms, for the few moments we had our eyes open. So alas, we had to leave early. It had been a long day in the sun and there will be many more tennis matches for us to visit.

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